Enabling transition towards net zero and meeting UN Sustainable Development Goals
Impacting million of lives by recyling all kinds of recyclable plastic waste and creating a circular economy
Patented technology to convert only non-recyclable end of life Waste into Decentralized Energy as a Service for captive industrial use
Rollz India, incorporated in 2009, is an Urban Company with a focus on Net Zero, Circular Economy, Municipal Solid Waste Processing and Disposal, Waste Recycling and Waste to Energy.
We are significantly contributing towards Honorable Prime Minister’s Swachh Bharat Mission by waste processing, recycling and end of life scientific disposal in an environment friendly manner.
Our team is motivated towards creating a beautiful environment free of landfills and also creating a sustainable waste management infrastructure to make our cities smart, circular and garbage free.
We aim to become the leader in decentralized waste processing and disposal solutions - "Recycling" and "Energy as a Service" in India.
We possess 5 decades of quality experience in energy and waste management across the globe. We have developed proprietary technologies adopting best global practices to deliver sustainable waste processing and disposal solutions suitable for Indian market.
Rollz India is a leading player in processing and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) in India. We are currently operating in 10+ cities with daily MSW processing capacity of 3,000+ Ton per day. We have developed first of it’s kind size and density segregation technology to manufacture high quality RDF and compost (free of inert). We have processed more than 10L+ tons of legacy and fresh waste across 10+ MSW processing facilities across India.
We have developed first of its kind Decentralized Waste to Energy as a Service (EaaS) solution for Industrial application where non recyclable waste generated within the city shall be used to generate energy for use within the city. As a result no waste shall go the landfill making cities free of garbage.
A team is always known by its leader and so are we. With highly
experienced and visionary management, Rollz India is creating its own
path to evolve as a leader in scientific waste processing and disposal
solutions in India.
Late Rakesh Aggarwal
Mr. Aggarwal founded and led Rollz India to become one of the pioneers in Waste Management in India. He had 40+ years of experience in energy and waste management. He had setup and successfully operated the first Waste to Energy plant in India and managed over 50+ lakh tonnes of MSW. Under his leadership, Rollz India acquired 7+ waste management projects and diversified its business into waste recycling and waste to energy as a service.
He developed the proprietary technology for segregation of mixed garbage into RDF, compostable material and inert. The technology developed and commercialized by him since 2015 is helping solve the huge problem of mixed waste processing in India. Under his leadership and using his proprietary technology, he established the first MSW processing & RDF briquetting plant of India at Bhilwara and Pali in Rajasthan with operating capacity of 300 TPD and 250 TPD respectively. This had been a major landmark achievement for the company and marks the beginning of scientific waste processing in India with a low capex model.
Further he developed first of its kind Decentralized Waste to Energy plant for use in Industrial application. His vision for creating an asset light strategy for building smaller WTE units shall bring a revolution in scientific waste disposal within the city itself thus making cities garbage free. He dreamt of a Garbage Free India and his followers are working hard to take his legacy forward.
Prior to founding Rollz India, he founded Ecogreen Energy in 2016 and made it to one of the largest Waste to Energy companies in India with ~60 MW of contracted projects and potential annual revenue of USD 100+ Million. He has held several senior positions with large corporates in India including CEO at BSES Delhi, MD at Jindal ITF, Director at Reliance Power, Chairman at A2Z Powercom, President at Aryan Coal etc.
Rollz India is a leading player in processing and disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). We are currently operating in 10+ cities with daily MSW processing capacity of 3,000+ Ton per day. We have developed first of it’s kind size and density segregation technology to manufacture high quality RDF and compost (free of inert). We have processed more than 10 lac tons of legacy and fresh waste across 10+ MSW processing facilities across India.
Rollz India recycles all kinds of plastic waste into new products like granules, lumps, flakes etc that are reused in the Industry to make agriculture pipes, other plastic packaging products etc. This reduces dependence on landfill, conserve resources and protect the environment from plastic pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. We are setting up plastic waste recycling facilities of more than 150,000 tons across India.
Rollz India provides comprehensive solution for waste
management. The majority of the waste that cannot be
recycled ends up in landfills, catches fire and causes
harmful emissions. Rollz India's patented technology
converts only non-recyclable waste into energy that can
used for captive industrial use thus reducing any
on sale of power at high tariff rates to the government.
Decentralized Waste to Energy As A Service is a
revolutionary win win model for all stakeholders
A. Government and Society - Scientific Disposal of Non
Recyclable End of Life Waste without creating any landfill
at ZERO cost to the government.
B. Industrial Partner secures energy at a lower cost and is
able to hedge against radical fuel cost escalations.
C. Rollz India operates on pay per use model on a long term
revenue contract basis.
The plants are easy to setup in 5-6 months against
traditional Waste to Energy plants that takes more than
years. The cost of these plants are 90% lower than
traditional Waste to Energy plants thus making it an
light model.